
Welcome to Historical Eye

This website host articles, features and essays I have written over the years on all sorts of historical subjects. A great deal of time, effort and research has been invested in these features and I continue to update and improve them whenever possible. Most of the articles presented are quite lengthy, so I would ask readers to take their time and remind them there are no quick answers. 

I have been running this site for many years now. Overhauling the work presented has taken far longer than expected and has become something of an ongoing task. I also hope to add a range of new features shortly. Please note this site is best viewed on tablet or desktop. The mobile version has some small template issues, although all text is available for viewing and navigation is possible through the drop-down bar (top right) or by clicking the images below.

First World War

This part of my website explores the First World War, including features on British and Commonwealth horses and mules; the Christmas Truce; and the fighting in the Trentino region in Italy.

Second World War

This section explores several aspects of the Second World War, with a focus on Poland's efforts, including features on Monte Cassino, Narvik and Arnhem.

Other features

This section includes several features that cover a range of topics, including the struggle between Richard I and Philip II in the aftermath of the Third Crusade..

MA Work

A collection of essays that comprised most of my MA, with a focus on 19th Century London.

Family History

Away from feature writing, I like to explore family history, including the lives of Alfred Adams, a machine gunner killed in the First World War.


If you liked my website, please consider buying my latest book Betrayal of Poland. It is now available for pre-order from the publisher Pen & Sword and comprises 19 testimonies by Polish veterans and witnesses to the Second World War. It includes detailed combat accounts of fighting at Monte Cassino, the Falaise Gap and the Warsaw Uprising of 1944.

My other book is Bloody Carnival, Munich 1918-1919. This introductory work explores the collapse of the German Empire in 1918 and focusses on Munich in the months that followed. It is available in all major Amazon marketplaces in paperback or kindle formats.